Customers have a number of ways that they can leave a review....
- Directly from search results
- Going directly to the Google Business page
- From Google maps - from mobile devices
For this process instruction i will cover how your clients add reviews directly from mobile devices to add reviews directly from the search results and also when the GMB page has been visited. leaving a review from Mobile devices will be covered in a separate tutorial
a. Log into the Google account by clicking sign in and entering your username and password. When signed in your Google username should appear in the top right hand corner. Reviews can only be left by a google account holder (gmail or other)
b. Search for business name
c. When the search results are displayed click on write a review . This link should appear below the web address or within the knowledge card on the right of the screen.
d.Your customer can then leave a review regarding the experience they had by typing comments into the box
2. Leaving a review from the Google My Business page.
Customers can leave a review from the GMB page when a customer navigate to the page form a link on the website or a link may have been sent to the customer)
Click on the pencil mark within the banner that appears on the page
Your customer can then leave a review regarding the experience they had by typing comments into the box.
Please see step by step video below: